Monday, December 28, 2009

Not bad for a snowboarder!

Happy Holidays!

And now that the Christmas rains have come and gone, it's dumping! Yesterday my intrepid Blazers headed to Mt. Ellen in the rain and hubby Drew and I followed with shouldered skis. The skiing was pretty good, albeit heavy where the 2 inches of wet granular had not been skied in. We quickly determined that, while the skiing was not bad, the boarding would be better! So off we went to trade in our gear. We spent the afternoon cruising maple butter (that's the consistency, not the flavor!) groomers at ridiculously high speeds, and stopping frequently to swipe the rain streaked goggles. What a great way to spend a rainy day. And today it's dumping. Snow.

Be flexible, be resilient, be here, be ready.....Be better here.

Have you seen my cover shot? Not bad for a snowboarder, eh?

Don't forget........W's Ski Discovery Camp, Jan. 13-15 and our Allyn's Lodge Ladies Night, Jan. 16th. Plan a long weekend and join us for both! Spots are limited in both, so sign up soon.
All the best,


  1. I'll be back to do the WSD camp!! Can't wait!
    x Hil

  2. you rock, bear. nice going on the blog. i think sugarbush's marketing should target women more.
