Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lady Riders!

Hey, where are you? I know you're out there. Do you ride? Do you want learn to ride? Let me know! We have a great lineup of programs for the 2 plankers, but we don't want to leave snowboarders out in the cold. We're all sisters in the PowderRoom. So let me know if you're a shred betty (that's really old school, I'm dating myself) looking for a posse. I just came back from th Burton Super Clinic. This is a three day conference Burton hosts for resort employees. One whole day was devoted to Women's programs and I came away jazzed to ramp up what we offer. So let me know what you're looking for!

Join us on the 12th for our PowderRoom Social, 4-6 in Timbers, and at the Sugarbash for some late night boogie woogie.


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