Monday, December 28, 2009

Not bad for a snowboarder!

Happy Holidays!

And now that the Christmas rains have come and gone, it's dumping! Yesterday my intrepid Blazers headed to Mt. Ellen in the rain and hubby Drew and I followed with shouldered skis. The skiing was pretty good, albeit heavy where the 2 inches of wet granular had not been skied in. We quickly determined that, while the skiing was not bad, the boarding would be better! So off we went to trade in our gear. We spent the afternoon cruising maple butter (that's the consistency, not the flavor!) groomers at ridiculously high speeds, and stopping frequently to swipe the rain streaked goggles. What a great way to spend a rainy day. And today it's dumping. Snow.

Be flexible, be resilient, be here, be ready.....Be better here.

Have you seen my cover shot? Not bad for a snowboarder, eh?

Don't forget........W's Ski Discovery Camp, Jan. 13-15 and our Allyn's Lodge Ladies Night, Jan. 16th. Plan a long weekend and join us for both! Spots are limited in both, so sign up soon.
All the best,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Confessions of a ski-bum Mom.

My house is a mess and likely will stay that way until the end of April.

Though the snowblower is still broken, my skis are tuned.

While I'm president, the PTA has a powder clause.

My kids don't know it, but when it's dumping I'm hoping that school will not be cancelled.

Any of this sound familiar? I thought so.

Friday the 11th was my first day on skis and it snowed the night before and all morning. Lower mountain trails like Lixis Twist and Moonshine were opened for the first time this season and the skiing was great! I was ebullient and sore and smiling and stiff that night. What a way to start the season!

I'm quite convinced that once it starts snowing again, it won't stop, so consider joining us for our W's Ski Discovery Camp, January 13 -15. Also, Saturday January 16th is our first annual Ladies night at Allyn's Lodge. Hike up or ride the cushy cabin cat, wine and dine, then ski or ride down in the dark! Super fun and delicious.
See you on the mountain!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lady Riders!

Hey, where are you? I know you're out there. Do you ride? Do you want learn to ride? Let me know! We have a great lineup of programs for the 2 plankers, but we don't want to leave snowboarders out in the cold. We're all sisters in the PowderRoom. So let me know if you're a shred betty (that's really old school, I'm dating myself) looking for a posse. I just came back from th Burton Super Clinic. This is a three day conference Burton hosts for resort employees. One whole day was devoted to Women's programs and I came away jazzed to ramp up what we offer. So let me know what you're looking for!

Join us on the 12th for our PowderRoom Social, 4-6 in Timbers, and at the Sugarbash for some late night boogie woogie.
