Friday, November 20, 2009

Are you ready for the ride? Are you doing your snow dances and your required 8-10 hours/week of Snow God honoring? Whatever form it it! Perhaps you didn't see it in the fine print, but this is an important aspect of Sugarbush PowderRoom membership. The month of November is "Northern New England Honor the Snow Gods Month". Participation could take the form of washing that musty smell out of your ski wear, or shopping for new, attending an area Ski & Skate Sale (Yay, Sue! Thanks for coming!), getting your skis out of the rafters, and swapping with the neighbors for stuff that fits your kids. I figured out a formula for quickly growing children and ski gear and clothing.....a season and a half. That's all you get. Mid-February of season two you'll find gaposis (uncomfortable gaps at wrists and waist), pinched cold toes and helmets that no longer fit with the neckie. There is no solution. Just be glad that shops start to have sales that time of year!

Are you joining us on Dec. 12th for our Powderoom Party? 4-6 in Timbers. Free munchies, good company. Also plan on the Sugarbash!

See you there,


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