Thursday, October 28, 2010

Get Your Gear On! The 31st Waitsfield Ski and Skate Sale is November 13th & 14th

In only two weeks time the annual stick season rite of passage, the Waitsfield Ski and Skate Sale, opens its doors at 9am.   Trusted outdoor retailers such as Nordic Barn, Alpine Ski Shop, Outdoor Gear Exchange, Plymouth Ski and Sport and others will be selling their wares at some of the most competitive prices of the season.  New and used equipment options abound with expert staff on hand to assist the young and old, the beginner or the expert, with their fitting needs. 

Looking to sell your old equipment?  The Sale welcomes new and used gear in good condition that is checked in at Waitsfield Elementary School the Friday before the big sale, from 4 to 7pm.

You can speed up the consignment process by pre-registering your equipment.  Just pick up tags at Waitsfield School on weekdays between 8 and 9am from November 1st through the 12th.  Bring the tags home where you can label and price your gear before simply dropping off the equipment on November 12th between 4 and 7pm. 

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get your gear on!  For additional information and updates join our Waitsfield Ski and Skate Sale Facebook page or call 802 496 3643

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wrench & Ride W's Mt. Bike Camp


Saturday and Sunday, September 18-19, 2010

1-Day Camp $140
2-Day Camp $225          
Bike Rental $60/day

Our Women's Wrench & Ride Mountain Bike Camp combines expert advise and coaching with an easy going atmosphere for an instructional experience that is ideal for the woman looking to learn both trail and mechanical skills. Instructors include locals Margo Wade, Audrey Huffman, Melanie Hall, and Meridith McFarland.

Our Cross-Country Camp is best for beginner to intermediate riders, while our Intro to Downhill Camp is best suited to intermediate to advanced riders.

Both camps include daily breakfast and lunch, riding instruction, video analysis, lift tickets, a zipline ride, yoga classes, and mechanical instruction (including how to fix a flat, repair a chain, adjust derailleurs and brakes, and identify and solve some of the mysterious squeaks and creeks coming from your bike).

Cross-Country Camp (some up, some down) - Beginner and intermediate riders are taught the basics of mountain bike handling in the custom-built learning area at the base of Lincoln Peak. Group rides then venture onto the trails surrounding Sugarbush to learn and practice trail-riding techniques, including how to handle climbing and descending, cornering, rock, log and water obstacles, switchbacks and more. A front suspension bike is highly recommended. Bike rentals are offered at a greatly reduced rate.

Intro to Downhill Camp (all down) - For the more experienced rider who wants to explore the world of downhill mountain biking, Intro to Downhill will take you through the ropes of this fast and exciting new sport. Terrain park, pump track and lift-accessed downhill trails will be explored in a safe and comfortable way. A full suspension bike and pads are highly recommended. Rocky Mountain bike rentals (pads included) are offered at a greatly reduced rate.

Join us for one or two days of great mountain biking and go home with new friends, new skills, and new knowledge!

Visit or contact Mary Simmons (802) 583-6529

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just say "yes"!



My little guy is 7, and though he's burly and strong, he can be intimidated by new experiences.  Needless to say the three weeks leading up to the Sugarbush Mt. Bike Adventure Camp was fairly frought with anxiety.   As his growth seemed to be keeping up with the corn growing all around us, it became apparent that a new bike was over-due, so the shopping for, and talking about, the new ride went far in distracting him from his worries.   Nevertheless..... "It'll all be big kids, Mom! "  "No, kiddo.  Charlie's doing it, and Bryn, they're both 7."  "I can't get air in the park, Mom!"  "That's ok.  Everyone's going there to learn."  Though we had these conversations often and with vaying degrees of hysteria, my answers never really seemed to help.   Finally the day arrived.   Boy, backpack, and bike, on-time and ready to ride.  Tentative smiles, nervous bike-riding in circles.  Jitters.  6 hours later I picked up a boy who was all smiles, and  couln't even leave his bike behind for the eveining, but needed to take it home for more driveway trick riding.  And that was only day one.  The rest is history.  Check out this great John Atkinson video for your own inspiration.

As I prepare for our upcoming W's Wrench & Ride Mt. Bike Camp, it occurs to me that many women signing up for, or thinking about signing up for, our program are plagued with the same anxieties that kept my son from being excited about his camp choice.   Is this right for me?  Am I good enough?  Am I too old, young, scared, in-experienced?    Well, I can tell you that 37 year olds are not that different from 7 year olds in this aspect.  Whatever anxiety you might bring to the table, you'll ride away smiling. 

For more infortation and to register for  Wrench and Ride please see side-bar and contact Mary Simmons at or 802-583-6529.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Blueberries for all!

For all things there is a season, and the season for blueberries is now!  A good dry spring, plenty of warm weather and some drenching rainstorms have added up to a banner blueberry season in the Mad River Valley.  I recently headed up to the Knoll Farm, perched above the valley half way up Bragg hill.  Knoll Farm is the home of the Center For Whole Communities which offers workshops ranging from "Making the Most of Compost" to "Transformational Leadership".  And they grow berries.  Lots and lots of berries of which you can  pick your own, or buy a pint at the farm stand.   With my ten year old in tow, we headed up to the berry patch, past the neatly kept farm stand and white farmhouse, past the swing on the tree and the big beautiful barn, up to the left past the Adirondack chairs sitting empty but inviting all to take a moment and soak up the view. 

The immediate draw of the juicy blue clusters makes it hard to walk past the first bush which is absolutely laden and practically groaning under the weight of the ripe fruit. But I like to hunt out the big ones, so I yank myself away from grazing at the entrance and head up to the back of the patch where traffic has been lighter.  There, too, I find an abundance, and have to steel myself not to flit from bush to bush   Once I get started, the quart containers fill fast, though I lose quite a few to my daughters swift hands.  She could graze happily off the bushes, but she can't resist the fist full that my efforts afford.  She eventually abandons me to the inviting Adirondacks and the  company of her book and the friendly farm cats who show up for an ear scratch.  I don't mind that she's not industrious because every time I look up to check on her I am treated to the view of this amazing place and the valley beyond.  In less than an hour we could drive to any number of commercial berry farms that would offer many more bushes and varieties, not doubt.  But the setting of this particular berry patch is what has drawn me here, and I'm 2 minutes from Waitsfield.  It doesn't get better, or more local, or more lovely than this.

Where to go for blueberries in the MRV:

Knoll Farm - Traveling south on Rt. 100, turn right onto Bragg Hill Rd. just before the the intersection of Rt. 100 and Rt. 17.  +/-1 mile up the hill, Knoll Farm is on the right. 

Open 9-3 Mon. - Sat., 9-12 on Sundays.

Pre-Picked -   $5.00/pint

Pick-Your-Own -    $3.50/pint
                           $4.00 per pound if you bring your own container. 
                           *(1 quart is approx 1.5 lbs, this is a really good deal!)

Check out Blueberry Sundays starting August 1st.  Bring your Sunday brunch pick-nick, and enjoy fresh bread from the outdoor oven, and ....of course...the berries. 

Hartshorn Farm Stand - Traveling north on Rt. 100, _ miles from the VG, just past the 1824 House Inn, on the left.  To find the bushes follow the road behind the farm stand.  Bushes are on both sides of road.

Pre-picked -$5.00/pint
Pick-Your-Own - $3.50/pint

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Love the 4th. Love it all.

Why would you go on vacation over the Fourth of July holiday if you live in the Mad River Valley? Are you crazy? Miss the parade? Miss the spectacle of whatever those crazies from Prickly Mountain will come up with? Miss the early breakfast with friends in Warren Village so you can get through the parking barricades and don't have to take the bus? Miss the opportunity to make a spectacle of oneself by marching with the Sugarbush float? I did miss it. I missed it all.

Don't get me wrong...I had a great time where I was. I sat with my family....19 of us that night, on a bluff overlooking Buzzards bay. We enjoyed the spectacle of no fewer than 13 fireworks displays, from as close as the beach at the bottom of our stairs to as far away as Marion. We actually enjoyed two nights of this spectacle, as they don't do the 4th lightly in Massachusetts. And we enjoyed the sand and the water and the sun and the heat. Is there a better place to be when it's over 100 degrees than on Cape Cod? We tubed and water skied and fished and clammed. We sent two kids to the ER with epic foot splinters. We burned and peeled and scolded each other and burned again. We played checkers, and gin rummy and miningolf and football. We made friendship bracelets and chowder. And then we went home. Home to the Mad River Valley. I love our time spent on the Cape. And more than anything, I love coming home.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Isis sponsors Wrench & Ride and offers you a chance to win!

Sugarbush PowderRoom friend and partner Isis for Women will once again sponsor our Women's Wrench & Ride Mt. Bike Camp, coming to your favorite mountain resort September 18 & 19, 2010.  In addition, Isis is offering you an opportunity to win and shop!  Keep you eyes out for our "News & Deals" e-mail going out this week, and enter to win  $100 in Isis Goddess Bucks!  Not yet receiving our e-mails?  Visit the Sugarbush homepage to sign up.